Valuation of Your Property?
Call Jon B. Tessier & Associates for all of your appraisal needs. We have over 42 years experience in providing real property, machinery & equipment, and business valuations. We can provide the appropriate appraisal report to meet your needs. Whether it be ‘just the number’ for pricing a property, or a complete report used for financing or litigation, or a multitude of needs, we can help. We provide service in a timely manner at a reasonable cost.
Remember the old adage, ‘You get what you pay for.’ Saving a couple dollars for inadequate work can cost thousands in the long run. Be sure to hire a true professional with the experience to deliver a quality product.
The firm can provide appraisals for virtually every need, including but not limited to:

- Acquisitions
- Buying
- Condemnation
- Development
- Dissolution
- Divorce
- Donation
- Easements
- Estates
- Exactions
- Feasibility
- Finance
- Highest & Best Use
- Hypothetical Value
- Income Tax
- Insurance
- Land Trust
- Leasing
- Liquidation
- Litigation
- Portfolios
- Probate
- Property Tax
- Prospective Value
- Review
- Retrospective Value
- Right-of-Way
- Sale
- Transfer
- Trusts
To setup your appraisal call 920.432.2440 or click here to contact us.