Jon B. Tessier & Associates is engaged in the practice of real estate appraisal and valuation consultation. The principal of the firm is Jon B. Tessier, ASA.
Jon began his appraisal experience in Green Bay in 1978 with the firm of Michael J. Barnard & Associates. In addition to providing services in real estate valuation, the firm also provides valuation of machinery and equipment, fixtures and business valuations.
Mr. Tessier has qualified as an expert witness in numerous District Courts, Tax Court, Federal Bankruptcy Court & Federal Tax Court. He has also qualified for numerous County Commissioners Hearings for eminent domain and has served as a court appointed commissioner for County Commissioners Hearings.
We have provided appraisal and valuation services to accountants, attorneys, corporations, financial institutions, insurance companies, government agencies, land trusts, real estate developers and individuals. All valuation work performed conforms to USPAP, and meets or exceeds the ethical standards and practices of the American Society of Appraisers and the Appraisal Institute.
Professional Experience You Can Rely On
Commercial and Industrial
Retail buildings, strip centers, neighborhood centers and regional malls; office buildings; office/showroom/warehouse space, multiple tenant warehouses, light to heavy manufacturing plants, food processing & high-tech production facilities.

Office warehouse, post office, stations buildings, individual special purpose buildings; restaurants & night clubs, fast food facilities. We have appraised land for commercial and industrial development, industrial lots, commercial parks, rights-of-way, and golf courses, boat slips, marinas, lighthouses, dockage facilities, land strips, hangars and airport facilities.

Rural Property – Agricultural Land and Buildings
Elevator facilities, fertilizer & chemical plants and tank farms, and specific market operations such as wild rice farms, greenhouses and orchards; rural property including mineral deposits, land tracts used for recreation, parks, wetlands, wilderness type property and land for conservation easements or trusts.

Residential Property
Single family residence for estate, litigation and high-value; apartment buildings, townhouse & condominium developments, motels, hotels and resorts, mobile home parks, residential lots and subdivisions.

Institutional Buildings
School, church and governmental buildings; post offices, warehouse, office and special purpose government use property; nursing homes and convalescent care.

Litigation Property
Appraisals of all types of property for partial or total takings, easements of all kinds; and tax appeal valuation. Experience also includes appraisal of property that is environmentally sensitive or contaminated.